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For earth,
For us,
Sustainable Management


WCP's goal and direction is to create a better future by contributing to the world and humanity through technology. Based on our core values, we will continue to develop and grow on our journey for a sustainable future.

contribute to the world with membrane technology
Beyond customer needs For Earth, For Us



Increase resource and energy efficiency
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and managing climate change
Suppression of emission of hazardous chemicals
Effective Supply Chain Management (Partners)
Innovation of organizational culture and improvement of working environment
Strengthen occupational safety and health and promote communication with stakeholders
Promote responsible management of the board of directors (Independence + Transparency + Diversity)
Establishment of an Ethics and Compliance Management System
Continuous future investment (R&D) to secure growth engines

SG Committee Statement

ESG 위원회 윈원장 이채필 사외이사

Chairman of ESG Committee Lee Chae-pil, Outside Director

E beneficial

S the world

G Draw

    major history of medicine

  • Former) Minister of Employment and Labor, Visiting Professor at Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Administration, Chairman of the Korea Disabled People's Foundation, Co-Chairman of the Citizens' Alliance for Safety Life Practice, Private Sector Chairman of the Central Council for the Promotion of Safety Culture Movement.
  • Current) Permanent Representative of the Job Association, Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Distribution of the Fruit of Love (Community Funding for Social Welfare), and Special Professor at Korea University Graduate School of Labor

Hello, internal and external stakeholders. Chairman of the ESG Committee, Lee Chae-pil, outside director.

WCP wants to contribute to human life and the development of civilization through membrane technology. We are driving forward with continuous technological development in next-generation battery separator including Lithium-ion battery separator, to achieve both environmental friendliness and profitability as a future innovation leader.

By securing global competitiveness and pursuing socially responsible management, we intend to lead new business fields in the future and reduce risk factors through preemptive responses.

In addition, we would like to fulfill our responsibility for improving the environment, society, and governance structure through social contribution and discovery of appropriate CSR tasks. through continuous communication with various stakeholders such as executives and employees, customers, shareholders, and investors, we intend to promote communication and enhance our sense of belonging and pride.

We aim to innovate productivity through various technologies and methods and promote quality management for customer satisfaction. We also seek to secure superior transactions through supply chain diversification and product diversification. We intend to establish a stable supply of eco-friendly energy by establishing energy partnerships.

We aim to provide a sense of loyalty and belonging by discovering and recruiting talent, improving organizational culture, and strengthening the work environment and working conditions. In the future, we plan to expand support for a good working environment by introducing robot automation processes to assist with heavy lifting and organizing shifts optimized for workers' biological rhythms.

Based on a sense of community, we seek to identify and improve harmful risk factors and solve fundamental problems. Based on securing leadership in safety, we aim to establish a safety and health management system by forming a dedicated organization, necessary budget, and allocating human resources. Through risk assessment and listening to internal opinions, we will strive to eliminate blind spots and create a healthy and safe workplace.

ESG 위원회 위원 지명찬 사외이사

Nominated outside director of ESG Committee

beyond Sustainability
Towards Eternity

    major history of medicine

  • Former) Vice President/CFO and advisor of Samsung SDI
Hello, I'm outside director Ji Myeon-chan, a member of the ESG committee.

WCP's ESG is a declaration and innovation that enables the company's sustainability and permanence.
As an outside director of WCP and a member of the ESG Committee, I will contribute to the internalization and stabilization of sustainable management by actively providing support and advice based on my diverse experience and tangible and intangible know-how.

Rather than being preoccupied with the short-term performance of a specific task, we aim to jointly pursue it with the participation of internal members. We will strengthen and expand collaboration and communication education to raise awareness and change perception among executives and employees.

In addition, in order to implement and systematically implement ESG strategies, we plan to designate areas of responsibility for each organization and individual and establish short- and long-term goals. We aim to provide objective evaluation and fair compensation by establishing a performance compensation system.
We plan to operate the ESG Committee based on the following important tasks and suggestions.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy use, reducing raw materials, and suppression of harmful substances

Respect for human rights, community contribution, human resources development and competency development, national issues (low birth rate)

Management of board operations and independence, ethics and compliance management, accounting and financial risks management

195, Megapolliseu-ro, Daesowon-myeon, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea(27461) TEL: +82-43-870-3300 FAX: +82-43-870-3399

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